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30 min
7/2004 upd 12/2009
AOK 1, KVA F, KVU-Süd, KV.Gr. Bayonne, Marine Flak Schule II, Ba 17.

You find this location south of Labenne-Ocean when you follow the road signs Ondres and Ondres-Plage.
In the north you find two emplacements and a piece of a wall and one flanking bunker. The flanking bunker looks like a 676 bunker for a 4,7cm PAK (Panzer Abwehr Kanone), but we are not quite sure about that. All the bunkers are covered by the sand and are no longer open.

2x Flak 2 cm emplacement.
2x 612 Embrasured emplacement for assault guns without annex room.
1x Unknown.
France, Les Landes, Ondres-Plage.
© bunkerpictures - Type5cmKwK emplacement
© bunkerpictures - Type 612