France, Somme, Vaudicourt.
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2 hours
AOK 15, KVA E1, Stp.Gr. Cayeux, Stp.Gr. Cayeux, Stp. Ca 010, 'Luftwaffe Station Skorpion'.

This major radar site is located in the fields around Vaudricourt. Some of the bunkers are visible in the fields. There is an unpaved road that leads directly to the bunkers and to a duck-shooting club.

This is absolute a major radar site, it had two Freya radars, two Wurzburg FuSE 65 radars and there supposed to be two large Luftwaffe bunkers, a L480 Wasserman and a L479 Anton. Both bunkers are very interesting and rare. Unfortunately we haven't found any one of these two bunkers.
What we did found is all the radars, a 646 water supply bunker and lots of barracks: some of the barracks are buried and hard to enter but they are impressive. Some of the barracks have a dimension of 13mx30m, which is huge. They have numerous rooms and corridors; there are several nice details like toilets, washbasins, wall lining and wall decorations. There are two of these huge barracks and three are smaller. They are located in the fields outside the duck-shooting area.
One of the large Freya emplacements and the 646 water supply bunker, are located on the property of the duck-shooting club.

1x 646 Water supply bunker.
2x Freya radar emplacement.
2x V229 Würzburg Riese radar., FuSE 65.
4x Barrack, different dimensions.
1x Barrack infirmary.
1x Flak emplacement L2 2/3,7cm.
1x 622 only the ringstand.
1x ST-bunker ringstand.
© bunkerpictures - Type Freya
© bunkerpictures - Type 646