
Bunkers from World War II (1933-1945) & the Cold War (1945-1991)


Wn. 68 H Bpt. 243 Zeehospitium

AW – Holland – Zuid-Holland – Scheveningen & Den Haag.
WBN, KVA Dordrecht, Stp.Gr. Scheveningen.

This is the most far south location of the Stp. Gr. Scheveningen, it lies south of Kijkduin. Next to a cycling-trackfrom Scheveningen in the direction of Ter Heijden you can find a VF bunker that looks like a small hill, on

ly the corners are visible. More to the coast you can find a bunker from the type 612, a flanking bunker, the tobruk is clearly visible and there remain some camouflage.

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1x Vf. ammunition.
1x 612 Embrasured emplacement for assault guns without annex room.

Date(s) of visit(s): 2005