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Date :
2.5 hours
Mill, south-west.
Dutch Defence line from 1940, Peel-Raamstelling, Sectie Bleeker.

We started this section at the crossing of the of the provincial road N264 (Nieuwedijk) and the N277 (Peelweg).
From here you can follow the bunkers by foot or by car and getting out for some better pictures and views.

All the bunkers are situated along the Peel-canal that was part of the defence line. In this section, that was named after its commanding officers, is also a strongpoint integrated at the crossing of a former railway track. This railway track comes straightforward from Germany near the city of Goch. During the German attack in 1940 the Germans used also some "panzer trains" to make strong breakthroughs into the Dutch defences.
At this location the Dutch defence forces managed to stop this train at the crossing of the Peel-canal with the strongpoint. See some old pictures of that exceptional success.

The pictures are displayed in sequence as they are made.

1x Dutch B-kazemat, flanking fire.
>20 Dutch S3-kazemat, "Stekelvarken" 3 MG loopholes.
1x Dutch train barrier, "asperge-versperring"
Holland, Noord Brabant, Mill. (2)
Current situation

Wartime 1940 in
Noord Bradant

See map down the sheet
Situation 2012
Situation 1940
Mill, nort-west.
Dutch Defence line from 1940, Peel-Raamstelling, Sectie Mill.

In the village of Mill you can start walking or drive(not all the way) along the former Dutch Defence line from 1940, the "Reel-Raam stelling". At the point the Langenboomseweg crosses the Peel-canal you can start into two directions along the canal. This canal was a part of the defence line and the Dutch bunkers are still standing strong.

This section starts in Mill and goes along the canal in the north-west direction and we stopped at the Paulweg where the canal is making a 90 degrees angel with a type B-kazemat as its last object.
The pictures are displayed in sequence as they are made.

1x Dutch B-kazemat, flanking fire.
>10 Dutch S3-kazemat, "Stekelvarken" 3 MG loopholes.
Rating :
Objects :
Condition :
Picture time :
Accessible :
Parking :
Date :
2 hours
Current situation

Wartime 1940 in
Noord Bradant
© bunkerpictures - Train barrier 1940
© bunkerpictures - Train barrier 2012
© bunkerpictures - Dutch B-kazemate
© bunkerpictures - Dutch S3 bunkers
Click for bigger map, Route of the two sections